Recently Released Critical Drivers - Read Only.Recently Released Service Tips - Read Only.(/PR)Power Revision Level R Done "To Be Filled By O.E.M." (/PN)Power Model Part Num R Done "To Be Filled By O.E.M." (/PT)Power Asset Tag Num R Done "To Be Filled By O.E.M." (/PS)Power Serial Number R Done "To Be Filled By O.E.M." (/PM)Power Manufacturer R Done "To Be Filled By O.E.M." (/PD)Power Device Name R Done "To Be Filled By O.E.M." (/PL)Power Location R Done "To Be Filled By O.E.M." (/OS)OEM string #3 R Done "Lenovo Service Engine Not Supported" (/OS)OEM string #2 R Done "LENOVO ThinkCentre BIOS Boot Block Revision 1.61" (/OS)OEM string #1 R Done "LENOVO ThinkCentre Embedded Controller -" (/PAT)Processor Asset Tag R Done "To Be Filled By O.E.M." (/CSKH)Chassis SKU Number R Done "Default string" (/COH)Chassis OEM value R Done "00000000h" (/CSH)Chassis Serial number R Done "R30*****" (/CMH)Chassis manufacture R Done "LENOVO" (/CSK)Chassis SKU Number R Done "Default string" (/CO)Chassis OEM value R Done "00000000h" (/CS)Chassis Serial number R Done "R30****" (/BVH)Baseboard version R Done "Not Defined " (/BMH)Baseboard manufacture R Done "LENOVO" (/BV)Baseboard version R Done "Not Defined " (/BM)Baseboard manufacture R Done "LENOVO" (/SF)System Family R Done "ideacentre 510-15IKL" (/SK)System SKU number R Done "LENOVO_MT_90G8_BU_Lenovo_FM_ideacentre 510-15IKL" (/SS)System Serial number R Done "R303****" (/SV)System version R Done "ideacentre 510-15IKL" This problem did not exist before the bios update. Not showing Lenovo logo when booting Windows. No Lenovo logo :(Īll this happened after the bios update. After bios update, Lenovo logo appears when Windows starts up, but now Windows logo appears. I looked at the MSDM table with a program, my windows key is there.īut where is the (Preinstalled OS License, OA3 License key, OA2.1 Marker) in bios?Ģ. Preinstalled OS License, OA3 License Key ID, OA2.1 Marker. Searching the Internet, I entered the old information with the AMIDEWIN application. The installation finished successfully without any problems.

I downloaded the O2TKT61A file from Lenovo official website for my computer and ran it.